Body Reset - If someone were to ask you what would be the absolute most you could wish for in terms of health and longevity, you would probably answer like this:
a 100% GUARANTEE from the most credible health authority that you will never get seriously ill in your life ...
… but will live for at least a hundred years and even then – and for the rest of your life – maintain a crystal mind and a youthful body, bursting with energy, without any signs of reduced functionality.
Unfortunately, no one in the world can provide you with a 100% guarantee of this.
There is, however, something that I believe is the second best thing besides a guarantee of eternal health: Body Reset – a complete protocol for the correction and optimization of the bodily processes that has been proven to work. But don’t just take my word for it, let the doctors speak:

Given that the protocol affects everyone who starts implementing it on the very first day, the exercises and procedures are very simple. Of course, you will need to dedicate at least several ten-minute slots to it per day.
Difficult? Depends on the person. If you’re living a fairly healthy life, you will probably need to only change or refine certain activities that you’re already doing. You will be amazed at how you can significantly influence the bodily processes just by taking some small steps. It may all take you even less time than you’re already devoting to taking care of your health.
At the same time, you will not have to motivate yourself and see why you should be doing all this because the results will be visible in less than a day … and they will motivate you to continue. What’s more, you’ll even be able to measure the results. (In fact, I insist that you measure them as you will be able to prove to yourself by doing so that you are on the right track to staying healthy.)
On the other hand: if you don’t have much experience with caring for a healthy body, with discipline and with a commitment to achieving goals, the implementation of this program may well prove to be uncomfortable and redundant to some. Like any new thing that we embark upon.
However, the question of whether implementing the program is enjoyable or difficult is not applicable. Let’s not forget what we’re talking about. The real question is:
Is it worth investing several ten-minute slots per day …
to keep my body healthy,
to rejuvenate and prolong my life?
The time invested is a small price to pay for the reward that follows at the end: health, youth, vitality and longevity.
The end of the search for the “Holy Grail” in the health field ...
Above all, this program represents an advantage that cannot be outweighed by any amount of money: the end of searching and wandering in the dark.
Think about how much time, energy and money you have spent so far on various methods that promised to improve or at least maintain your health … and how much more you would do in the future until you find something that actually works?
We’ve all been on this journey and I know it particularly well myself. (More on that to follow below.) I have found that there are two types of people:
- those who are constantly trying new methods and searching indefinitely (because no method is good enough or does not correspond 100% to what they imagined in their heads as the ideal method),
- and those who stop searching when they come across the right thing. Then they seize the opportunity with both hands and begin to act.
If you fall into the first group, I suggest you stop reading. In the end, you will probably find that “something else is missing”… regardless of all the evidence, testimonials, references, etc.
If your goal is to actually implement the program – of course, once you’re sure you’ve found what you’re looking for – then read on. What follows can be the most important information you have received in connection with maintaining your health and a key turning point in your life.
»Body Reset is the best workshop of my life …«
»Body Reset is the best workshop of my life, which has helped me and my family.«
– Renata Ambrožič Čop, MD, dentist
The specially selected actions that combine into a cumulative effect
I know it sounds almost unbelievable (and maybe even too beautiful to be true). However, I assure you that 100% of everything you will read comes from experience, practical findings and documented facts. I’m not writing about something that I would like to see happen, but about things that are already being done – among other things, I’m doing them on a daily basis – and they’re producing excellent results.
And that a handful of special but simple exercises and instructions actually have a very strong and effective impact on the body. Mainly because by implementing them, we access the body’s command centers through various “doors” and paths, which then begin to issue new commands to the organs and systems. These commands directly correct processes or restore tissues, organs and systems to a state of harmony. Because some commands literally bypass conscious mind control, the changes are quick, concrete and long-lasting.
In other words, they do not need to be consciously pursued, believed in, or “positively thought about” but occur solely as a result of the consistent implementation of this protocol.
The exercises and techniques to activate the new commands support and supplement each other to a much greater, cumulative effect. They have a beneficial effect on the whole body as well as the mind:
- improving bodily functions,
- “wiping away” mental and emotional barriers (stress!),
- restoring harmony in the body,
- reviving even stunted functions,
- working synergistically on different levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) and effectively regulating bodily processes through different channels.
Does this mean that if you exercise consistently, you will never get seriously ill in your life?
Probably not…
But not only that. Quality of life is also important.
This protocol – called Body Reset – literally wipes away fears and stress … restores youthful flexibility, energy and playfulness … and connects us to the part of ourselves where we can find new creative ideas, joy, sense of safety and peace.
But, don’t just take my word for it. Let’s take a look at the official statistics. Each participant in the program – there have been 103 so far – also notes his observations at the end and states very clearly how well the program has met his expectations.
»Even in my dreams, I couldn’t have imagined … I have awakened incredible powers.«
»Even in my dreams, I couldn’t have imagined that the human body, mind and spirit (consciousness) can do something like what I’ve learned at BR, and I’ve tried a lot of stuff in my life.
In my 70s, I have awakened incredible powers, which is a real quantum leap at the level of consciousness for me.
If Boris’s program were a “25-day” cake, then BR is the cherry or a basket of cherries on top.«
– Jože Širaj
Probably the only program with a 99.03% success rate … 100% transparency … and where even the only »dissatisfied« participant is automatically sending us messages: »Body Reset rules!«
Out of the 103 participants* who have attended the program so far, 102 said that “Body Reset” met their expectations, expressing satisfaction with the program. This means more than 99% satisfaction with the program, which is – even on a global scale – inconceivable.
One participant, however, wrote that the program did not fully meet her expectations. (She does attribute the reason for this partly to herself because she did consciously not wish to implement one of the most important building blocks – detoxification. Well, we’re still keeping her on the “dissatisfied participants” list because we want to be completely open, clear and direct.)
A few days ago, we concluded one of the regular meetings of participants from all groups to date, for which the lady also signed up. After the meeting, she sent us an email out of her own accord, with the following words:
“You prepared such a lovely meeting for us that I’m still quite moved today. It was really magical. I have to admit to you that I haven’t felt so beautiful, emotional, happy in a long time… THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
Body Reset has become the law for me and to this day, three years after the workshop, I have not missed a single day of implementing the building blocks; except, of course, still detoxification. Nevertheless, I am open to this taking place at the right time …”
This is, therefore, the “most negative” feedback from all the participants that have gone through the workshop …
Let me take this opportunity to immediately point out another important aspect. As you may have read, even this lady is still, three years after the workshop, implementing the building blocks or exercises from the program on a daily basis (more details on these to follow). Other participants have similar stories to tell.
There are very few workshops that would teach, “anchor” and consolidate the content so well, and motivate the participants to do the exercises on a daily basis for many years to come.
I would like to emphasize that “Body Reset” – in my opinion, and also according to the feedback from participants – is really the last workshop you will ever need to do in order to maintain your youth, vitality and energy. (Note: if we eventually discover a new approach or an additional but key element for maintaining health, we will present it to you and teach you to implement it through one of the regular meetings that we organize at least once a year.)
*complete statistical data
»The workshop has changed my view of the world, my body, health and life by 100% …«
»The “Body Reset” workshop brought back my lust for life. I could again do things that I hadn’t been able to due to certain health conditions – after three weeks, I put away my resting bed.
My suppleness and fitness have returned along with my joy, happiness and gratitude for everything that life gives me, be it as a reward or a lesson.
I have regained my self-confidence, self-discipline and courage. My sleep is peaceful and uninterrupted. My thoughts have become clearer, my memory has improved. My bodyweight has decreased and muscle tone has increased. Irritability, bad moods and fears have decreased, together with stress, which is a major factor in almost every illness.
I trust and believe that I am being taken care of. I’m calmer and things come together on their own. I see everything in a different light and through different eyes.
It’s the end of playing the role of the victim, now I’m taking life into my own hands and moving towards the changes and challenges that life brings me.«
– Katarina Verbič
Now let’s take a closer look at how “Body Reset” differs from other programs and why participants are so enthusiastic about it.
The protocol with proven effects on the very first day: The »Holy Grail« of a long and healthy life?

Boris Vene
This is where I come in.
Not only am I trained to perform all ten activities properly, but I perform them regularly on a daily basis. I have been performing most of them for over a decade.
During this time, I have also taught the components of the “Body Reset” system to many friends and acquaintances, who have as a result solved various problems or significantly improved their bodily functions. And above all, they have somehow become rejuvenated … physically and mentally.
Just like you will when you start performing the “Body Reset”.
I admit that this prediction is high-flying and probably seems pretentious to many. But this is not the first time I have predicted developments.
Sometimes I just feel things. And then they happen.
For example, about twenty years ago, when my first book was published, I told a journalist of a prestigious newspaper directly that she was holding a world bestseller in her hands – even though only about five hundred copies had been sold in Slovenia. She gave me a funny look as if to say that this was a bit much.
A few years later, the book reached Dr. Joe Vitale, one of the main stars of the movie “The Secret”. He was so impressed with it that he asked for the exclusive copyright and offered it to the whole world. What is more, he declared it one of the three best books of all time in the field of achieving well-being and even contributed a preface to it.
“Body Reset” is based on well-defined, prescribed procedures that must be performed consistently and correctly. There are ten of them in total. Even though they are not difficult, someone has to show you them at the beginning and teach you how to do them correctly. Then he has to see you do them and correct you if necessary.
The procedures will not work if they are performed incorrectly. But with the support of an experienced instructor, you will master them as you go along; you actually only have to repeat each one a few times to get the hang of it. After that, you will easily perform the procedures on your own.
And I knew right from the start when the book was published that something like this was going to happen.
I feel exactly the same now about the “Body Reset” program.
In fact, I can now predict developments with even greater certainty because I know the field of health very well. Not only have I tried almost all (meaningful) programs that promised health, but I have literally dedicated my life to finding optimal health … and almost lost it at the same time.
Nevertheless, the search was worth it. Because “Body Reset” literally lifted me out of the grave.
In addition to surviving and regaining my health on the basis of this protocol, I have also gotten into such good physical shape that today I can easily compete with athletes a few decades younger.
So, I’m pretty sure that this protocol will help you as well.
In fact, “Body Reset” will help you even more than it helped me. In recent months, I have upgraded it to such an extent that it is impossible not to notice the exciting results on the first day. (I can guarantee you that!)
In short, in my opinion, “Body Reset” represents the “Holy Grail” of all health programs that can be found anywhere, at any price. Full stop.
And it’s not just my opinion. The effects are confirmed by many who have tried it.
Dejan Jarič, MD, about the Body Reset workshop
»On all levels, I have experienced an additional remarkable improvement … Even other people notice my glow, love of life and how I’m bursting with energy, despite heavy burdens.«
»The gifts I received through the “Body Reset” workshop show up on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
The occasional headache has completely gone, flexibility and suppleness in my body have increased. I have more energy, greater vitality as well as better quality and depth of sleep.
I have to admit that I didn’t feel bad before because I really did a lot for the state of the mental-emotional body, but the feeling of connection with the whole of Creation has increased. I find it easier to be in the present moment, I’m able to set people clear and healthy boundaries, there is increased creativity, concentration, productivity (currently I’m actively involved in things for up to 18 hours a day with no problems or lack of energy) and focus.
Also on the spiritual level, the faith in my life path and trust in the process of life has vastly improved, I accept everything that happens to me even more easily, I’m even more grateful and brave. Everything is great, brilliant!
Even other people have noticed my glow and how I’m bursting with energy, despite heavy burdens. I’m extremely grateful, unattached, compassionate, loving and attentive to myself.
The workshop was dominated by an extraordinary sense of connection, Oneness with nature, God … As well as bliss, pleasure, joy of life. Last but not least, I also felt immense gratitude to the entire team, and especially to Boris, Aneta and Aleks, for a holistic and excellently handled program.«
– Dejan Jarič, MD, transpersonal psychotherapist, lecturer and
advanced trainer for personal and spiritual development,
But about the effects and the program a little later. Let me introduce myself first.
From a successful businessman and athlete to a shocking turnaround

On my path in sport, I also met Arnold Schwarzenegger, among others. Soon after, I opened my first fitness center with a friend.
My name is Boris Vene. Even though I have been working as an entrepreneur for almost three decades, I have always paid extraordinary attention to my health and body. Since I realized at a young age that there’s “no sweet without sweat”, I developed extraordinary discipline and the will to achieve results.
I’m not unfamiliar with extreme forms of exercise, mental preparation, detoxification … not to mention diets. Everything I undertook, I carried out to the last detail by following the instructions and fully focusing on achieving the goal.
As a result, I achieved practically everything I set out to do. First, I sculpted my body and won a medal at the national bodybuilding championships … I worked abroad as a personal sports coach in my youthful years … I lifted more than 200 kg weights in the gym … one of my latest achievements is a black belt in karate.
I can’t complain about the current situation either. I can proudly say that even after turning fifty, I’m physically more “fit” than acquaintances and friends that are half my age. I easily beat 20-year-olds and 30-year-olds in various physical challenges, even the most demanding ones. I even compete with the former national champion in athletics (who, by the way, is also decades younger than me).
When I listen to my peers who complain about various health problems – one has “a pinch in the back”; the other has “no energy” and is already out of breath as he climbs the stairs; the third goes to a nearby store by car because “he is no longer young enough to carry the bags full of shopping on foot” – I feel like a student who has accidentally stumbled upon the fiftieth anniversary of high-school graduation.
But it hasn’t always been like that. In the shadow of these achievements lurks a large, dark stain.
The surgeon told me: “You may only have half a year to live ...”
Despite the great care for my health and body, I was first diagnosed with a serious illness a little over ten years ago… and then two more soon after. Of course, it hit me like a bolt of lightning. How can someone who exercises regularly, meditates, chooses food carefully … get sick? The initial questions were replaced by panic and fear, then a deep desire for healing.
I decided not to choose, as a guinea pig, whether it is better to be treated with conventional or alternative medicine but to take advantage of all the possibilities. I had a single goal: to get better. In whatever way.
First, I did everything my doctor suggested. Since I still hadn’t recovered, I embarked on a lonely and arduous journey of searching for other options.
I sat down in front of the computer and started checking all there was. I found hundreds – if not thousands – of things, from the most primitive approaches to the latest wonders of science. The headlines on the screen promised a 99.7% cure … 100% assurance on how to protect against this disease … more than 95% success in treatment, and so on. (When I read these titles, I thought I was the only idiot in the world who didn’t know this; and that I might even pay the price for this with my life. Well, the other “idiot” besides me is my doctor, or the entire medical profession because no one told me that …)
I didn’t judge or write anything off but started practicing different methods and techniques. Because I believed that there was a solution hiding in there somewhere, I systematically implemented various protocols day after day … I took dietary supplements … prepared special food for myself … performed various visualization techniques and the like.
But without success. It was even worse because the doctor told me at one of the check-ups that he had just lost a similar patient … in just half a year.
Every day, as I found something new on the internet, started doing it, and found that it had no effect on me, I panicked. I had lost another precious day … and I didn’t know how many I had left.
The distress was unbearable, and it literally tore me inside. On the one hand, I wanted to try all the options, but on the other hand, I was running out of time.
»I will certainly continue doing the building blocks with the same dedication and heart as I do today.«
»This is the beginning of a new path! The workshop has confirmed and strengthened my faith in my life path. I will certainly continue to do the building blocks when I’m 100 and beyond with the same dedication and heart as I do today. And at 100, I will still carry out my life mission, for which I received confirmation in this workshop.
I enjoy being in just a T-shirt or barefoot in the snow – at minus degrees. I’m a better listener and I better hear what my speaking partner has to say. My discipline has increased greatly, I lost about 6 kg, and my pain has also gone down. My health problem is at least 70% better.
Goals have been formulated. I love myself, I love life. I will fall many more times, but I will always rise.«
– James Marjan Tomazin
The key turning point
One sunny morning, as I was nervously browsing the internet again, I was struck by the fact that I seemed to be in a vicious circle from which there is probably no solution. What if there is no solution at all? Or I may have already found it; but since I hadn’t practiced the method long enough, I had missed the opportunity?
It became clear to me that this was not the right path.
Just as I was about to give up, I had an insight: The right answer can only appear if I ask myself the right question … and I was asking myself the wrong one.
I kept wondering whom to believe. That is, who was telling the truth and presenting the facts as they really were.
That was not the real question. It’s not actually about who to believe at all … But what I believe myself.
When I asked myself this question, I felt for the first time in a long time that I could take more control over the course of the situation. By defining the criteria, I can greatly narrow down the selection and start directing energy in the right direction.
A great load lifted off my mind and tremendous weight of distress and uncertainty fell from my shoulders. Fear, anxiety and uncertainty were replaced by the energy of inspiration, passion and faith in a successful solution.
I found that I needed a protocol that will offer very concrete activities whose impact is clearly visible, measurable and provable. It must be based on concrete, verified data and facts and be proven by doctors.
When I cleared up with myself as to what I was looking for, answers began to come to me practically immediately and from various directions; and very soon, also the final solution.
I came across an exceptional, practice-tested protocol that had a scientific background and documented healing statistics. It was invented by an innovative physician who was decades ahead of his time, and whom physician and Nobel laureate Albert Schweitzer called one of the greatest geniuses in medical history.
The process, which was based on physical relief from food – including occasional fasting –, highly effective blood detoxification and so-called “cellular nutrition,” formed my new foundation.
Because I also believed that man is more than just what he eats, I added “emotional detoxification”, meditation, special physical exercises, sleep and rest and contact with nature.
Then I stuck to this program for exactly two years. Strictly and without concessions. I demanded more perfection from myself than sergeants demand of the marines in military training.
It was hard, but I knew why I was doing it. The ultimate gain was – life. It took longer than I expected, but I succeeded.
»… I pretty much don’t need caffeine anymore. My neck pain has gone down, as well as my allergies. There are fewer negative thoughts, I feel safer, I trust in life.«
»I’m enthusiastic about all the knowledge I’ve gained, especially about strengthening the immune system.
I feel a greater personal power, I find it easier to stand up for myself, I communicate better and I’m more focused. During the meditations, which I’ve actually started doing for the first time in my life, I feel gratitude for all the beautiful things that have been given to me.
I’m not so cold anymore, I hardly ever need caffeine to stay awake and concentrate. My neck pain has gone down, as well as my allergies.
I accept myself better, I enjoy my own body and my self-respect has grown, too. And the gratitude for every day, the joy, enjoyment of the present moment.
P.S. I read Boris’s books at a young age, so I’m honored to have met my favorite mentor and role model …«
– Špela Fink, MD, family medicine specialist
An amazing discovery
Excited at regaining my health, I began to share my experiences with friends and family. Word got around quickly, and more and more people started turning to me with various issues related to improving their health.
In the beginning, I tried to offer everyone advice tailored to their situation. Eventually, I found that I was actually proposing the same things to everyone – the thing that I was practicing myself!
In order to not have to explain the same thing to everyone, I made a kind of “mini protocol” for carrying out specific activities, which was based on the way I regained my health and in which I believed uncompromisingly.
Feedback was soon to arrive.
A relative, a pensioner, had been taking medication for high blood pressure for five years. Sometimes it rocketed as high as 200 mmHg or more. When she asked me if I could give her some advice, I couldn’t think of anything better than proposing “my protocol” to her.
Fortunately, she trusted me completely and followed the instructions. After three days of performing the recommended activities, her blood pressure dropped to normal and on the fourth day, she stopped taking the medication at her own risk. (Which I certainly don’t recommend to anyone. My standpoint is: let the person who made the prescription decide against taking the medication.)
What’s more, in seven days, she lost three kilos healthily and lowered her heart rate from 81–86 to 63 beats per minute.
I was really happy for her but didn’t attribute her success to anything I had done. I thought it was more of a coincidence of time, or that things somehow coincided.
But, the stories from the people who had followed the protocol were so similar that I soon had to rule out coincidence. People with various problems, whom I had advised to carry out this procedure, were experiencing a similar rebirth:
- After doing the program for six weeks – there was more a more intensive two-week period in between – all the symptoms of Lyme disease disappeared in the case of a middle-aged gentleman.
- A woman in her early thirties was cured of multiple sclerosis.
- A student cured herself of a serious health problem, lost weight healthily and replaced her acne-prone skin with a radiant complexion.
- A middle-aged lady finally managed to heal her stomach ulcer after many previous efforts.
Other health problems which were reported to improve considerably were
- chronic headaches,
- high cholesterol,
- high blood sugar,
- hemorrhoids (which can also be caused by liver problems),
- insomnia,
- blood sugar fluctuations,
- enlarged prostate,
- heart palpitations,
- emotional disorders (due to the detoxification of the central nervous system),
- bad complexion (including the reduction of acne in adolescents),
- stunted growth (in adolescents),
- tinnitus (ringing in the ears),
- poor and irregular digestion,
- poor blood count,
- automatic weight control: weight loss or weight gain in those underweight.
It struck me that I might be on the verge of a great discovery. I was slowly getting used to the various “miracle” stories and I was actually more surprised if the advice proved to be unhelpful to someone!
(Before I continue, I have to write this. “Body Reset” is not a treatment, but a program to restore one’s inner balance. If you suffer from any serious health problems, I strongly advise against it. All the partial or complete cures and other benefits described on this page are 100% true, but do not guarantee or promise that you will gain the same results.)
»I’m on the “Body Reset” program for the 131st consecutive week” … and I’ll do it as long as I’m breathing. The day is next to impossible without these building blocks …«
»It wasn’t until after the workshop that it became clear to me how big of a thing this is. Everything was already hinted at in the meetings, but the real thing happens when you start doing the thing yourself and you also feel it. I have to admit that my mind got in the way a bit at the start as if to say “that’s stupid”, but I kept following the agreed protocols – because I knew for sure that this was it.
Otherwise: breathing, exercise and a cold shower – that rules! I feel like I’m being awoken from the dead or from some slumber. It makes me feel that just “being” is great and I’m infinitely grateful for that.
In the afternoon, when I come home from work, it’s time for a juice and then detoxification. It all goes smoothly and if I couldn’t do something on a daily basis, I would feel like something is missing.
Basically, I’m carrying on with the program and not implementing the building blocks would make the day practically impossible. The body responds to exercise really well and the suppleness is almost amazing, given the state before the workshop. But I still have serious plans. 😉
A lot has opened up to me on a personal level as well. I accept myself with all my good and bad qualities. I see – and I have also tested this in practice – that I can do and achieve whatever I want, only the goal must be clear and the intention must be firm.
Otherwise, my sleep has also greatly improved, the feeling of stress has been greatly reduced, and I can relax and enjoy myself much more. I absolutely recommend the workshop …
P.S. I’m sending an additional report. It has now been more than two years since the workshop. The number 131 is written on my log that records regular weekly activities. And this pile of reports will be growing as long as I’m breathing.«
– Blaž Jovan, Socka
A new transformation …
I regularly used this protocol, which contained seven building blocks (background theory or explanation of how it works, physical exercises, meditations, selected diet and fasting, consumption of special juices and hydration, sleep and rest, and detoxification) myself and constantly spread the word about it among my acquaintances and friends. Later, I added another building block, which I had actually been doing but never perceived as part of the system: harmony or coexistence with nature, including planned (healthy) sunbathing.
And when I felt that I had come to the end and that my protocol included all the key elements for optimal physical functioning, I came across two more key building blocks that I thought were worth testing.
Mainly because they did not interfere with diet or detoxification, but affected the body and mind in a completely different way: through oxygen saturation, changes in pH, hormonal balance, establishing contact with the primitive part of the brain, which we cannot connect with in usual circumstances, and on and on.
Basically, these two building blocks (a special breathing technique and the gradual expansion of the temperature zone of comfort) contained the “switch” that activates the key bodily processes.
It was only with their help that people achieved supernatural, almost miraculous feats. For example, in a scientifically controlled experiment, a whole group of volunteers allowed themselves to be vaccinated with a virus whose symptoms are immediately visible and which causes a person to fall into bed immediately … but none of them became ill. (If you wish, I will show you a study excerpt and video describing this experiment at the meeting.)
»This workshop was the best investment of my life! I am finally able to sleep, I have more will to live, I can handle stress more easily and I look forward to each and every day.«
»After this workshop, so much has changed in my life. I finally sleep well – I used to sleep only three hours a night, but now I get an eight-hour sleep. I’m more calm and flexible, my brain works better.
I have a much greater will to live and look forward to each and every day.
My neck pain dropped from grade 8 to 1, disappearing completely, therefore. There were wonderful energies at the workshop, a great team and participants, I also liked the fantastic location in nature. This workshop was the best investment of my life!«
– Sonja Kos, 62, retired
I took two and a half months and tested both building blocks at the same time following the instructions. I performed the breathing exercise regularly and gradually and got used to unusual temperature conditions systematically. The effect was so powerful that I was left speechless. “The man who figured this out deserves the Nobel Prize,” I said to myself.
In addition to improving the functioning of the immune system, I learned – for the first time in decades of meditation – to establish contact with a part of myself “on command”, marked by a complete absence of fear and a state of deep, indescribable peace.
My physical strength, concentration, clarity of thought improved … I was able to master many things “in passing” that had up till then required increased concentration or even some effort.
Of course, I was enthusiastic to pass on my findings to my loved ones. Through personal mentoring, I introduced them to the proper implementation of the protocols … and the results were, as expected, outstanding.
»I have more energy, I am happy with my new self-image, I am more determined and proud of myself …«
»I gained a lot from the workshop! My energy level, self-love, gratitude for my surroundings and clarity of thought have all increased. My self-image was not the best before and determination was lacking, but now I’m happy with my new self-image. There were fears before the workshop, but now I can stand up for myself, no matter the consequences.
I had the need to compare and prove myself before, but after the workshop, I feel as if I’m enough to myself just the way I am. I also have faith in my path, my mission now. I’m grateful for the little things.
I also get so many “moments of bliss”. I’ve begun to feel love for myself and I’m proud to be able to take on so much new stuff. Last but not least, I also lost weight and my knee pain has subsided. But what I liked most in the workshop was the loving energy that circulated among all of us. P.S. Now, after the workshop, every now and then, I remember and realize just what an opportunity and privilege I got when I met Boris and had the opportunity to join the “Body Reset” program. With the help of new insights and knowledge, I’m now doing wonderful things for myself and my body. For example, I was recently invited to a referral clinic. The nurse asked me what I was doing because I had “an abnormally high amount of good cholesterol and an abnormally low amount of bad”. Because of all this, I feel extremely rich and immensely grateful.«
– Polona Kambič, Mayor of the Municipality of Semič
This is when I realized that my system is complete: in addition to detoxification and physical relief, cell nutrition, active relaxation and the introduction of harmony in the body and mind, I can further deacidify the body with new components, fill it with oxygen and activate special body receptors and centers. I’m literally reviving forgotten or stunted bodily functions that allow me to perform unsuspected feats.
»I have literally experienced a rebirth … I have never encountered such a comprehensive program of detoxification, regeneration and recovery.«
»When I started doing “Body Reset” years ago, I rested a bit more (healing reaction) – which is also logical, as my body was quite poisoned due to its active sporting past.
Soon after, my energy increased and my immune system improved considerably, so I didn’t get sick for years.
Some time ago, Boris showed me the last two elements of this program and I literally experienced a rebirth.
I feel so relaxed and content that it’s hard to describe … “Body Reset” really works! Usually, my thoughts would swirl all over the place, but now I have found my peace of mind. As a result, my intuition has also developed markedly.
I have never encountered such a comprehensive program of detoxification, regeneration and recovery.«
– Tilen Suhadolnik, entrepreneur (TS Lab d.o.o./ OrganiCore™)
and former national champion in the 100m sprint
And now, at the request of many, I am again putting out a public call for applications to attend my practice-based workshop, which I will lead personally:
»BODY RESET«: A 28-day radical transformation of body and mind
Strengthen, improve and harmonize the functioning of your bodily processes …
and live your life as you deserve to the fullest!
»On the very first day, I will introduce you to the secret of a powerful breathing technique that literally erases fears and ill-feeling and creates hormones of happiness, well-being and even the hormone of love “on-demand”. It will help you to really stimulate the immune system … to flood the body with oxygen beyond boundaries (which brings many health benefits) … increase your life power, energy, vitality and resilience … open the way for creative ideas and much more.
You will fully master this technique from day one and will then be able to use it for the rest of your life. It will only take you a few minutes a day and you will not need any tools or preparations for it. You can perform it anywhere; even in company or in the midst of commotion.
It is probably the best and fastest way to an instant reduction of stress, which is supposed to be the culprit for more than 90% of all medical conditions.«
You will learn to perform all ten elements through our »live« sessions. This is the most I can offer you if you want to strengthen, improve and harmonize the functioning of bodily functions and organs and even reactivate bodily functions, which further stimulate the healing processes in the body and mind.
»I’ve never lost weight so fast … I’ve lost 16 kilograms!«
»In addition to losing 16 kg in about a month – which is my fastest weight loss so far – the “Body Reset” workshop also improved my control of internal bodily processes and related brain impulses.
– Rok Hrastnik, CEO of Sensilab
Thousands and thousands of hours of experience, testing, observation, study … combined into 28 transformative days
There is no other “Body Reset” program in the world. Even though its implementation is very simple – and it will also not take you much time and money – I assure you that you will become a different person.
I will personally take each participant individually through the special exercises and tips to experience the restoration of harmony within him, which can bring wealth, a true wealth, of positive changes. Not only in the field of health – I emphasize that “Body Reset” is not a treatment, but a program to restore inner balance –, but also in achieving a state of inner fulfillment, increased joy, vitality, sense of youth and relaxation.
In other words, from a state of conscious or unconscious stress or fears (hint: stress = fear), we will enter the forgotten world of children’s playfulness, openness, creativity, passion for life and new creative ideas.
“Body Reset is the only workshop for which I can say that its value cannot be measured in money.«
»The benefits of the “Body Reset” workshop are many and extend to different areas. I have more energy, I feel good (emotional stability and inner strength), I need less sleep and I am also less tired.
I have ultimate clarity of thought, mental calmness, better focus, mental agility. I follow myself and my mission better, my creativity has increased and my intuition has sharpened.
Confidence in life has grown. I’m calmer, I feel immense gratitude as well as joy. Now, more than ever, I’m aware of the moments in my life, I appreciate and enjoy them.
In the end, I was so taken by “Body Reset” that I decided to reduce my existing work and focus on developing my own programs. I also want to become an instructor and spread that knowledge among the people.
This is the only workshop for which I can say that its value cannot be measured in money.«
– Tadeja Rupar, MSc, professor of Defectology, lecturer, licensed instructor and therapist, Brain Gym® Instructor, Double Doodle Play® Instructor and Optimal Brain Organization® Instructor, Building Blocks Activities® Instructor, MNRI® Core Specialist
Description of the program by days
The 28-day transformation will take the form of five face-to-face meetings and four distance meetings where we will gradually master each of the ten building blocks that form the solid foundation for a holistic transformation.
In the beginning, as well as in the end, you will fill out a short questionnaire that will describe your current state: how you feel, how much energy you have, or any special health challenges* …
The goal is to make progress. When something is hurting us for instance, it can be a nuisance. But when the pain disappears, we seem to forget that it was there just a while ago. When we record the initial state and then compare it with the final one, however, the change becomes as clear as day.
Let’s first take a look at what will happen in the face-to-face meetings.
»Body Reset has given me the knowledge and skills to handle difficult situational moments …«
»My main desire to come to the workshop was to gain knowledge and skills that would help me attain inner peace – especially in moments or days when external circumstances in the environment are tense, stressful, and difficult, for one reason or another.
I have often had to display a calm demeanor on the outside, even though I was terribly restless and unbridled on the inside. It was more of a game than a sincere expression of emotion. Even though I managed to keep up appearances, this did not have a positive effect on my well-being – rather, a negative one – which showed itself as bad only when I was surrounded by those closest to me and dared to release my inner tensions.
Life is now easier for me in this regard and I also accept myself better. This also makes it easier for me to coexist with those closest to me and the other way round. Rituals of maintaining the path to such states and consolidating these skills have become part of everyday life, but, importantly, not as an obligation, but as a pleasant time for myself, which I look forward to, day in and day out, as an “investment” and energy to overcome everyday challenges.«
– Prof. dr. Rajko Knez, Constitutional Court judge
We will meet in person on set dates for about three to five hours. I personally – with the help of trained instructors – will act as your coach, counselor, and mentor. I will show you the exercises and teach you the techniques, I will monitor your progress, encourage you, and guide you individually towards your goal; at a pace that will be suitable for each individual.
The first three key elements or building blocks – theory, meditation, and special physical exercises – will be present at each meeting, and the rest will be introduced gradually. By the way, you will also receive more extensive written information about each building block, where the building block will be described with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to implement it.
The building blocks are as follows:
- Theoretical knowledge and explanation of the working principles: ancient secrets, the latest scientific findings, own experience, success stories, and the experiences of others. As said, this part of the program will be included in all five meetings.
- Meditation following special instructions and according to the principle of guided meditation. We will also discuss this building block at each meeting.
- Optimal physical exercises: aerobic, anaerobic, and stretching. We will perform exercises to strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular system, exercises for strength and flexibility. The stretching exercise will be, like the first two building blocks, the common thread of all the meetings.
- Breathing: a special breathing technique whose remarkable effects show up immediately.
- Gradual adaptation to major temperature challenges, which triggers many positive mechanisms in the body; of course, if this is carried out properly and thoroughly.
- Selected home-made juices and hydration: a combination of recommended fruits and vegetables, juiced in a special way, and drinking (healthy) water.
- Proper nutrition and fasting: choosing foods, combining, quantity, eating schedule, healthy weight loss and tricks to prevent and overcome hunger and the like. Fasting is also a special art – it is not about starving or giving up all nutrients, but about deliberately relieving certain bodily processes and activating others.
- Detoxification: we will probably learn the most effective techniques for detoxifying the blood and liver, which is the body’s most important “filter”.
- Sleep and rest: during sleep, crucial processes are carried out to establish and maintain health. Rest is also extremely important.
- Connection with the energy of nature and healthy sunbathing: simple exercises to restore energy balance through resonance with the original vibration of nature.
The program is conceived in such a way that we will add something new every time, while still maintaining the elements adopted so far or even delving deeper into them.
»I feel as if I were 15 years younger. My morning energy is 500% higher, my self-confidence is at its peak …«
»After the workshop, sleep, energy levels, lust for life, motivation and vitality improved to the maximum. My thoughts cleared and my determination increased dramatically. The previous state of low self-confidence, discipline and gratitude rose to the highest possible level – level 10. The feeling of sacrifice/being a doormat, which was very strong, disappeared. Now I enjoy the moment to the full, which was not the case before the workshop.
The most powerful experience for me was the strength of the group, and what I liked most about the workshop was the simple explanation and attitude – everyone is welcome, everyone regardless of status.«
– Matej Bradač, electronic engineer, security manager
At the first meeting, we will – in addition to the theory, the basics of exercise and meditation – also delve into the secrets of a special breathing technique and lay the foundations for exposure to the temperature challenges.
Already after the very first day, you will make a big leap, as you will learn exercises that, with regular practice, will help the body towards the following:
- you will reduce or eliminate stress and fear, calm the mind, establish greater control over the stress hormones and greater resistance to stress,
- you will increase your physical performance by 10–20%,
- you will take greater control over the endocrine system (hormones), which will be reflected in improved well-being, optimism, additional production of the hormones of happiness, pleasure and love (serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin),
»I gained a lot of new knowledge at the “Body Reset” workshop. After the workshop, the improvements are big and obvious. The ability to stand up for myself has grown and it’s harder to get me off track.«
»I liked Boris’s way of explaining things, his enthusiasm and positive energy, and sharing experiences with other workshop participants.
I gained a lot of new knowledge at the “Body Reset” workshop. After the workshop, the improvements are big and obvious. My feeling of inner peace has greatly improved, elasticity, my energy level and clarity of thought have increased.
I feel more personal power: more courage and self-confidence, even the ability to stand up for myself has improved. My confidence in life and in my mission has increased, I have a sense of connection, I have a better understanding and acceptance of myself and others as they are.
I also experience a stronger sense of gratitude for everything I have – much more than before the workshop.«
– Helena Devetak, Ph.D., lawyer
- you will flood the body with oxygen (even “in stock”), which will lead to better blood circulation in the body, more energy and better immunity,
- you will also alkalize the body,
- you will feel greater calm, creativity, new ideas, relaxation, satisfaction,
- you will increase lung capacity,
- your memory will improve,
- you will be more flexible,
- you will relieve the body, boost the immune system and reduce the risk of most diseases,
- you will sleep better,
- you will also strengthen the cardiovascular system,
- you will balance thermoregulation (you will not get cold in winter and you will tolerate heat without any problems in summer).
»I attended the seminars of Anthony Robbins, T. Harv Eker as well as others, and I got most out of the “Body Reset” workshop.«
»I have attended a number of seminars in the last year, including Anthony Robbins and T. Harv Eker. But the one I most looked forward to was the “Body Reset” workshop, which gave me the most.
In 2012, with the help of the book “Wealth is in us” [Bogastvo je v nas, orig.], I ventured into my depths, I completely changed my career path and consequently my life.
I changed my eating habits for three days during the weekend as I couldn’t sustain them.
I found that despite such a short break, I felt different – particularly mentally worse. Some unpleasant emotions crept to the surface, though for no particular reason. Yesterday, I forced myself to implement the building blocks again – and the good feelings surfaced straight away. I’m more optimistic about everything that was keeping me down for months before!
It also seems to me that during these last days I clearly felt what I still want and what I don’t and that I make my own decisions about my life.
At the same time, I’m happy and grateful that I now know a way to improve my well-being, reawaken my strength and confidence in myself and in life. These are deep and important knowledge and insights, both about the world and about oneself …
Your workshop gave me the most because you put yourself, your energy and your true desire to help us, into it. This is what I felt. This energy was lacking with Robbins as well as Eker. I can’t name it, but it was present at your workshop.«
– Helena Dobrila, cosmopolitan, manager, tourist representative abroad
- you will really relieve the body and get extra energy,
- you will cleanse the bloodstream through the liver, which will thoroughly detoxify the body,
- in most cases, you will eliminate or alleviate pain (headaches, migraines, toothaches …),
- you will cleanse the body of waste materials, including parasites; you will also cleanse the intestines,
- you will create a foundation for clearing mental health problems,
- you will be filled with energy,
- men will be able to strengthen their sexual power and have a better erection (“natural Viagra”),
- you will relieve and strengthen the immune system,
- you will sleep better,
- you will supply the body with quality building blocks and precious nutrients (you will no longer be physically and cellularly undernourished),
- you will feel lighter, but you will also be more vital,
- your digestion will improve and you will defecate more easily,
- you will break one of the most difficult patterns: you will no longer overeat emotionally or eat “out of habit”, for good feeling/pleasant taste, etc., but will eat with greater awareness and with a clear intention to provide the body with quality building blocks (which brings plenty of bodily, emotional and spiritual benefits),
- you will develop a whole new attitude, respect and gratitude for food, Life …,
- you will “flood” the body with vitamins, minerals and enzymes in live, active form (which our cells are basically calling for),
- ulcers and formations will decompose,
- you will supply the cells with all the nutrients they need (in a way that they will assimilate them as quickly as possible),
- you will be able to note a noticeably cleansed liver,
- you will take care of the electrolyte balance and restore the intestinal flora,
- you will regenerate the body anew by supplying it with all the amino acids, minerals, salts, enzymes and vitamins the body needs,
- your vision, hearing, smell and taste will improve,
- you will reduce potential addictions (cigarettes, coffee, food …),
- you will get soft and smooth skin, skin imperfections will disappear or decrease,
- you may even become more fertile,
- you will have much more (calm, not adrenaline) energy,
- you will experience greater inner peace, relaxation, serenity, clarity of thought, creativity, gratitude and an awareness of the grace of Life.
At the second meeting, we will add three more elements: juices and hydration, nutrition and detoxification.
After this meeting, you will learn activities that will bring you the following benefits when performed regularly:
By the way, for this part – and until the end – you will need a special juicer (so-called “snail” or “slow juicer”), which can be bought for around € 100. You will also be able to borrow it.
You will also need distilled drinking water. You can buy it or decide on a device for thorough water purification (distiller or filter with reverse osmosis), which will practically produce this type of water for free (the device costs around € 300). You will also need a special “bag” (irrigator) for detoxification, which costs around € 10.
An additional investment can be the purchase of food or organic fruit and vegetables if you do not currently eat that way. This is also all that concerns purchases or additional investments during the entire four weeks.
»The “Body Reset Custom”* workshop was, in addition to the birth of my daughter, one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. Shortly after the workshop, I also achieved my greatest sporting success.«
»After the successful completion of the transformation workshop “Body Reset Custom”* with Boris Vene, which was one of the most beautiful experiences in my life along with the birth of my daughter, I am noticing extremely positive effects. The knowledge and lifestyle have taken my cycling to a whole new level. I can’t imagine a healthy top sport without using this knowledge.
In the workshop, Boris taught me to me how to breathe, he taught me how to calm my mind and body, he taught me how to live. He taught me how to saturate the body with oxygen, to “store it in stock”. He awakened a passion, inspiration, childish curiosity and cheerfulness in me, and above all, filled me with the energy of joyful anticipation.
My performance has improved, I cycle longer and faster than ever, regeneration is significantly faster. Above all, I’m healthy and so I don’t miss any training sessions.
Just four months after finishing the workshop, I won second place in the doubles category at the 24-hour ultramarathon race in Austria, which is my biggest success so far. The acquired knowledge was taken on by the whole family. After just fourteen days of drinking juices, my growing daughter’s skin completely cleared up.
“Body Reset Custom” is an experience I recommend to everyone. It’s the month that turns your life around in your direction.«
– Dejan Kilar, businessman and top athlete
* “Body Reset Custom” is a workshop adapted to the individual (“one-on-one” work)
At the third meeting, as always, we will consolidate the already adopted aspects and add healthy fasting, contact with nature and healthy sunbathing. There will be a greater emphasis on physical exercise and meditation, and we will also look at the basics for healthy sleep and the importance of rest.
New knowledge and exercises will further stimulate the body and mind, as the regular implementation of the instructions brings the following benefits:
- you will restore the body from the inside, including repairing damaged building blocks and problem areas,
- you will extend the life of vital organs,
- you will feel more courage in life, and you will have more energy,
- you will restore inner order, your mood and well-being will improve,
- the body will eliminate substances as well as the clutter from the subconscious, so consciousness will expand and you will feel more fulfilled (“natural psychotherapy” and spiritual growth),
- you will also find it easier to be calm, you will have clearer thoughts, improved concentration, you will be able to control your mental processes more consciously,
- the body will now regenerate even more efficiently,
- memory and mind function will improve,
- pain may be reduced and symptoms relieved,
- it will be easier for you to achieve set goals,
- you will learn to relax effectively,
- you will generally feel better and also sleep more soundly,
- you will strengthen the immune system (in one other way),
- you will become more supple and flexible,
- you will be in better physical shape and be more optimistic,
- your blood pressure may drop,
- You will reduce the risk of most illnesses and injuries, especially arthritis, depression, stress, diabetes, as well as bowel, breast, prostate and pancreatic cancer,
- you will burn more calories when performing daily tasks (without exercise),
- you will lose weight healthily, strengthen your body, slow down aging and have fewer colds,
- you will improve brain function and long-term memory,
- you will get a better self-image,
- you will also improve work efficiency and creativity,
- you will help the body to increase the production of growth hormones, renew cells and skin, build new cells, strengthen the defense against the lack of hydration and free radicals.
At the fourth meeting, we will carefully analyze the route taken, individually adjust each separate step and make an optimal plan for the last week.
The fifth meeting will be dedicated to checking the final achievements. Once again, we will complete an introductory questionnaire, draw conclusions and findings, and discuss how to maintain the newly adopted situation. Special emphasis will also be placed on creating a so-called “morning routine”, which will greatly facilitate the implementation of the program.
»My medical test results are amazing, expectations have been exceeded … I can’t put everything I feel into words!«
»The workshop was a beautiful, fulfilling experience, testing at times. Indescribable pleasure because I can do it! The people around me were uncertain at first, provocative with questions, but approving towards the end, expressing admiration.
I have more confidence and more life optimism. I’m grateful for everything that surrounds me.
I solved a health problem in the best possible way; I don’t have high cholesterol (7) anymore!
After the workshop, I went for a check-up and the results are amazing!!! And I’m infinitely grateful, happy, satisfied …
The building blocks have become a part of my everyday life. Slowly, shifts in this direction are also taking place around me, with my loved ones, friends, co-workers. I also manage the situations that life brings with a kind of lightness and discernment.
Significant progress can also be noted in my sports activities. I ran the Ljubljana half marathon without any particular problems. My legs were light, my heart filled with gratitude and joy. After 21 kilometers, I felt great, I didn’t feel tired.
I also took part in a run across Zagorska Dolina and was the first to run through the finish line among the Zagorje women. Breathing, juices, regular exercise … obviously do their thing because I was the oldest among the participants.
Thank you so much for being able to attend the workshop, for sharing these health treasures with me and all of us. Unfortunately, I can’t put everything I feel into words! Expectations have been exceeded, I absolutely recommend the workshop to others.«
– Darja Rakovič, Zagorje ob Savi Kindergarten
Maximum individual support: we will help you in all possible ways to master the processes and live better
So this is how the live gatherings will look like. We will meet at the agreed-upon location. A part of the program will take place inside an object and a part outside in nature.
Every Tuesday we will “connect” again by phone or online in the form of a video conference. (If you are ever unable to attend the video conference, you will be able to listen to the recording. So participation in Tuesday’s meetings is not mandatory, but the meetings are.)
»The workshop differs greatly from all other programs and is probably the only one that works on the medical, physical, mental and spiritual level.”
»Boris Vene has created something out of his life story and power that is very different from all other programs. It is probably the only program that works on the medical, physical, mental and emotional levels.
It is reflected in the love and joy for life, for oneself, for one’s loved ones and also for the business sphere.
The amount of knowledge is exceptional. It is only now, a few months after the workshop, that I’m actually getting the full extent of all this knowledge and the instructions that we have been given in a very condensed way.
The “Body Reset” workshop has filled me with energy, peace of mind, a sense of belonging and confidence in the future. Even though I wasn’t able to implement all the instructions from the workshop, I had so much more energy just after a few days. I don’t drink coffee at all anymore, I feel a new physical strength and flexibility. I’m able to concentrate and work hard all day. I sleep better and, in the morning, when I wake, I look forward to the day, whereas before, I would run out of energy by noon. The fact that the workshop lasts for five weeks is welcome so that a new life routine can be formed.
The day I met Boris is one of the best days of my life. Describing “Body Reset” is therefore only possible as a recommendation to you to bestow this experience upon yourself – when you feel you are ready to change your life. Change can only happen within you. And you will learn about the building blocks of a new life from Boris. At the workshop, I also met wonderful new people and I actually rested in the otherwise intensive workshop.
I recommend “Body Reset” to everyone who is looking for something more but may perhaps not be able to put words to it as they have never had such an experience.«
– Martin Korošec, author, lecturer, inventor, consultant
Tuesday’s video conferences will last about an hour. They will be intended primarily as feedback on the agreed activities or individual help. The goal is for all participants to progress optimally; those who want more will also be able to get additional or adapted exercises.
In short, on Tuesdays, we will look at our progress, resolve any obstacles along the way, share experiences and cheer each other on.
But please don’t worry if you’re not exactly the technical type or have never attended a video conference. Aleks is, at least in my opinion, a computer genius – he is in charge of solving all the technical challenges in the company, among other things – and he will arrange everything you need so that you can attend the calls. (Of course, you will need your own computer or phone and an internet or phone connection.)
On the other days, you will do the exercises on your own, according to the program. Aleks and I will be constantly at hand via electronic media if you need any help or answers.
The “Body Reset” program has another special feature: you will get a partner with whom you will regularly exchange experiences. If at all possible, or if it works out location-wise, we will try to connect you locally. In this case, you will be able to do all the activities together with a partner, which has huge advantages. Otherwise, you will be in contact with your “other half” through electronic media.
You will also send in reports to me on a regular basis, as I have realized in my long career that feedback or the obligation to report is sometimes the tab on the scales that keeps an individual afloat or motivates him to persevere with a program.
After five weeks, you will have mastered all ten building blocks so much that you will be fully trained and motivated to be able to do all the elements on your own.
»For the first time in my life, I have the area of health completely under control and I’m sure that I will never get seriously ill … I don’t know a single person who would not hugely benefit from this program and significantly improve their life!«
»Ever since I started consuming the recommended juices and foods a decade ago, I’ve noticed a favorable effect on the body. The complete “Body Reset” program is a quantum leap forward!
Finally – for the first time in my life – I have the area of health completely under control and I’m sure I will never get seriously ill. (I doubt I will ever get sick for more than two or three days …)
It’s also very noticeable in my attitude towards food: I’m no longer addicted to it, I have lost more than eight kilograms healthily and easily in two months, without giving up food or feeling hungry. I do treat myself sometimes with something “on the side”, but these things no longer have a big effect on me.
In addition, I have cleared up my thoughts and clarified my mind. I have more ideas, optimism and I’m mentally fitter.
“Body Reset” is the Lamborghini among the programs for maintaining health and improving psycho-physical abilities. I don’t know a person who wouldn’t greatly benefit from this program and significantly improve their life!
Naturally, the program has become part of my daily routine and my new lifestyle. What’s more, I think it’s so important that I want to spread it among the people myself … That’s why I was immediately up for becoming an instructor.«
– Aleks Vene, IT, 26
Additional information and explanations
If it turns out during the program that you need to interrupt or leave it for urgent reasons, don’t worry. We’ll include you in the next group where you’ll continue where you left off. (We’re sorry that we can’t tell you exactly when this will be at present.) Of course, I advise you to book all five meetings since the program is much more effective if carried out continuously or “in one piece”.
I also strongly recommend that you consult your doctor about attending the program. (It is useful to consult a doctor with any major changes in regime: new diets, increased physical exertion and the like.) I reiterate that the program is not intended to cure but to optimize the internal processes. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept patients because the risk is too great.
Are you ready for a new life?
There are currently no open terms. If you’re interested in attending the workshop, then enter your e-mail address below. We will notify you as soon as the dates are known.
Your investment for the implementation of the entire 28-day program depends on the size of the group and the location of execution. However, each participant also has a realistic chance of receiving the program completely free of charge – see the P.P.S. at the very bottom of the page.
»I’ve attended many business and life training sessions and workshops, but “Body Reset” is by far the best and most important thing in my life.«
»I was madly excited about the first day of “Body Reset”!” Thank you, thank you, thank you – that’s all I can say. I have been taking medicine for cholesterol, blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and gout for 24 years. Deep down, I felt for a long time that this was killing me and that I need to stop. And now I will!
My immune system works better, my sleep, flexibility and discipline have improved a lot. I process faster, make decisions and have more inner peace.
I put myself first now and I really trust in life. I can do things I didn’t believe I would ever be able to do a few months ago!
I have already attended many business and life training sessions and workshops, but “Body Reset” is by far the best and most important one in my life. Boris’s heart is bigger than Mount Everest and his energy is extraordinary. Thank you for letting me be a part of this story.«
– Marko Skubic, BEng, certified and licensed NLP Master
Practitioner and Coach, Certified Hypnosis Practitioner
The price includes the following:
- 5 meetings (about three to five hours),
- 4 video conferences (about one hour or as needed; depending on the number of questions),
- recordings of the video conferences,
- constant, daily support via e-mail (answering questions) or web portal,
- working with a partner on the program,
- 4 PDF brochures with a description of all ten building blocks,
- certificate or official accreditation of participation in the program.
Applications are accepted up till the available quota (maximum 18 participants). Upon making your application, an advance payment of 10% is required, which is deducted from the final price. The advance payment is considered as a reservation and must be paid no later than one week after making your application. (The cost of the reservation is fixed and non-refundable in the case that you do not attend the program. If you have to leave the group in the middle of the program, or cannot attend all the meetings for any urgent reasons, we do not issue refunds, but let you join the next group and continue the program where you left off.)
The remaining amount is payable no later than 5 days before the start of the workshop, or in several installments by prior arrangement. Payments can be made via bank transfer or via PayPal.
If both partners, or two family members, participate in the program at the same time, the second person receives a 25% discount.
»The workshop has fulfilled all the goals I set myself before starting it … I’m already recommending it to others!«
»The workshop brought me a lot of benefits: it increased my flexibility, discipline, determination and morning energy, and my weight dropped by 6 kg. The pain in my lower back disappeared, I became calmer. In doing so, I raised my morning energy by 100%. Now I have as much energy already in the morning, as I had before in the middle of the most hard-hitting day. Fantastic!
Compared to the situation before the workshop, I also greatly strengthened my sense of gratitude. I have eliminated foods that are harmful to me from my diet. I liked my energy and faith in the lecturer, the strength of the group, as well as the depth and cohesion, the sophistication, of the program. I’m already recommending the workshop to others!
I practically achieved all the goals I set myself before the workshop (eliminated sugar …). I like “Body Reset” as a holistic program; meaning that it encompasses, not only the physical aspects but also the spiritual.«
– Karno Bozi, Maribor
Click here to take part if the dates are already known. You can also get more information about the implementation of the program on the same phone number. You can also write to us at adding “BODY RESET” to the subject line. (Also add your phone number as it is sometimes easier to explain something over the phone than in writing.)
We will do our best to answer all your questions as soon as possible.
Thank you for your time and trust. I hope that we will soon meet and chat in person … and embark on an adventure that will allow you the greatest transformation of your life when it comes to body and health.
I am convinced of the latter. But this is not about me. It is up to you whether you will finally allow yourself to live in greater harmony with yourself.
My suggestion is clear:
Give yourself the greatest possible gift – a new life. You deserve it.
Now you are also completely supported on your path.
Boris Vene
P.S.: The “Body Reset” program is the culmination of my discoveries, experience and many pearls of life wisdom that I have accumulated over the last thirty years. Once you get to know the background of the workings of all ten building blocks and train in their implementation, a new world will open up to you.
P.P.S.: Are you attracted to the program and do you like a challenge? Then there is the possibility of having the entire investment reimbursed. Namely, at the end of the program, we will choose the person who has made the biggest leap or the most progress in these 28 days. This person will receive a full refund of the amount paid.
I would like to motivate you even further to start the program enthusiastically, holistically and in a disciplined way – and to complete it in the same spirit – because this is how you can benefit from it most.
»The impact of the “Body Reset” program will be of paramount importance in the future of humanity.«
»I want to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Boris because he is performing such an important job. He is one of the people who give humanity hope for a better future. I think that the impact of his work or the “Body Reset” health program will be extremely important in the future of mankind.
I’m very enthusiastic about the program and I believe in it with all my heart. I believe that with the help of “Body Reset”, every person will be able to completely remove all the obstacles that have so far prevented him from attaining his full potential. Thank you for everything!«
– Kristina Kveder, social worker
* Warning – MUST BE READ:
The “Body Reset” program cannot replace a consultation with a general practitioner or other health professional. Check up on your health with your general practitioner. You decide on the “Body Reset” program on your own initiative. Every person is unique, as is their state of health, so each individual is responsible for their own health decisions and decides on the program entirely at their own discretion and of their own free will.
“Body Reset” is not intended for patients with serious diagnoses, since the body is intensively cleansed and acquires new habits, requiring energy. Before starting the program, every participant signs a statement that he or she has not been diagnosed with a serious illness or medical condition. If you have (minor) health problems, contact us before booking.
The website, Boris Vene, Aleks Vene, Dr. Jana Wahl, and any persons in any way associated with or involved in this program, assume no responsibility for the decisions, procedures, or actions of the individual in relation to the implementation of this program.
You will experience some of the benefits listed in the program during its implementation, but others will show up later as you maintain this state or continue the program in a milder form. I also cannot guarantee that everyone will experience all the listed benefits. Each body is different; we have a different health history and also a specific history of dealing with health.
However, these benefits are not just a “theory” or desire, but an existing, regular practice. Those who practice the program, experience them regularly.
Participation in the “Body Reset” workshop:
Term: 08.06.2020 – 05.07.2020
Terms currently unknown.
Clicking the above button will take you to a page where you will select a payment method and complete your purchase.
Participation in the “Body Reset” workshop:
Term: 27.10.2019 – 23.11.2019
Terms currently unknown.
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There are currently no open terms.
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»I like myself better every day … I’m happier and the kids are proud of me.«
»With the daily implementation of the “Body Reset” building blocks, flexibility and sleep have improved, and laziness has been greatly reduced. Now, I really take the best possible care of myself; I’m proud, happy and better looking. I also maximized my sense of gratitude, which was not so good at first.
I have a greater will to live and I’m happier.
I also lost 13 kg with the program.«
– Zoranče Georgiev, electrical technician, Jesenice
»I was able to let go of all the weight that weighed down my soul, body and thoughts. I’m overjoyed with my family, we’re very connected and we help each other …«
»I’m still under the impression of the workshop that has left an invaluable mark on me. I was able to let go of all the weight that weighed down my soul, body and thoughts. I feel so much lighter and so calm. Not only outwardly, but also deep within.
I gained an absolutely new view of myself, my surroundings and the future – I trust in it.
Many things are no longer so important, and it is easier to pass them by. My willpower has been greatly strengthened, the headaches have completely disappeared, sleep is very good. I have ultimate amounts of energy, I trust more and I find it easier to let go.
I’m overjoyed with my family, we love each other, we are very connected and we help each other. Let me also mention that after the workshop, I was exposed to a large group of children who became ill one after another due to a virus. I, on the other hand, remained healthy, which I personally attribute to “Body Reset” with utmost certainty.
I will also continue with the initial building blocks, as they make for an extraordinary contribution. A heartfelt thanks, Boris, for all the knowledge given!«
– Vesna Slivnik, Ljubljana, preschool teacher
»More will, discipline, energy, emotional stability and joy of life.«
»Symbolically, I can say that over the years I have been grasping at crumbs from my table with various attempts to find a lifestyle improvement, but I was not able to start eating the whole cake required for a better life for both me and my loved ones. A big advantage is when you introduce a lifestyle change in a “package” and not with separate activities that may even be mutually exclusive.
I have more will, discipline, emotional stability and gratitude for life. The level of personal energy has risen. My posture has improved, I feel better in my body. I trust in myself, I trust in life. I’m grateful for what I have! I don’t fight disease, but I work for health. I don’t fritter my life away, I live my life, and I’m enjoying it more and more!
I would like to thank you once again for carrying out the “Body Reset” program.
P.S.: Now, quite some time after the workshop, I can say that life is completely impossible without the building blocks, even if I tried my best to do without. 🙂 I like the fact that “Body Reset” is a “living” thing. A sincere “thank you” to the entire crew led by Boris …«
– Mihael Deželak, PhD